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Multiplex Staining Products

Alomone Labs has developed two innovative platforms for studying protein-protein interaction and/or protein co-localization in complex immunostaining or immunoprecipitation protocols:


ATTO-Conjugated Antibodies: These antibodies can be used in immunohistochemistry (IHC) and immunocytochemistry (ICC) with same species antibodies.


Save time and resources with ONE antibody.


Benefits of immunostaining with ATTO-conjugated antibodies:
Direct immuno-fluorescence
Secondary antibodies are not necessary
Ideal for immuno-colocalization with same species/host antibodies


More on ATTO dyes


Guinea Pig-Raised Antibodies: Antibodies raised in guinea pig can be used with any non-guinea pig second species antibodies (e.g. antibodies raised in mouse, rabbit, goat, etc.) in complex immunostaining or immunoprecipitation protocols. Our line of guinea pig raised antibodies can be combined with any of our rabbit-raised or ATTO-conjugated antibodies in complex immunostaining protocols.

TRP Channels

The mammalian TRP channel superfamily includes nearly 30 members which are distributed in several subfamilies: TRPC (classic or canonical), TRPV (vanilloid), TRPM (melastatin), TRPA (ankyrin), TRPP (polycistin), and TRPML (mucolipin). Each subfamily comprises several channel subtypes, and many have splice variants, leading to the exhaustive list of channels and their pairing combination. The TRP channels are a superfamily of channels that allow the influx of both Ca2+ and Na+.


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