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Live Cell Imaging Products

Extracellular antibodies are ideal research tools for cell-surface proteins.


No permeabilization/fixation because using extracellular antibodies allows you to work with live cells!


Benefits of live cell imaging:
Monitor cell movement
Study protein transport across the cell
Investigate protein internalization

Cl- Channels

Cl channels are ubiquitously expressed transmembrane proteins that allow the diffusion of anions along their electrochemical gradient. Although the channels are equally (if not more) permeable to anions such as I or HCO3 than to Cl, they are known as Cl channels since this is the most abundant anion in physiological settings.

  • Anti-PACC1/TMEM206 (extracellular) Antibody

    A rabbit polyclonal antibody to PACC1/TMEM206 (extracellular)

    Cat # ACL-031
    Type Polyclonal
    Host Rabbit
    Applications ifc, ihc, lci, wb, icc*, ip*
    Reactivity h, m, r
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