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Live Cell Imaging Products

Extracellular antibodies are ideal research tools for cell-surface proteins.


No permeabilization/fixation because using extracellular antibodies allows you to work with live cells!


Benefits of live cell imaging:
Monitor cell movement
Study protein transport across the cell
Investigate protein internalization

GABA(B) Receptors

The “GABAergic” system is the main inhibitory network in the central nervous system and as such influences almost every aspect of neuronal processing and resulting behavior. γ-aminobutiric acid (GABA), released in a typical vesicular synaptic manner from gabaergic neurons, binds to GABAA postsynaptic ligand gated ion channels. GABA also binds in and around the synapse to a G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR), GABA (B). The basic functional receptor is a heterodimer composed of two similar subunits, GABA (B) R1 and GABA (B) R2.

  • Anti-GABA(B) Receptor 1 (extracellular)-FITC Antibody

    A Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody to GABBR1 (extracellular) conjugated to the fluorescent dye FITC

    Cat # AGB-001-F
    Type Polyclonal
    Host Rabbit
    Applications fc, lci
    Reactivity h, m, r
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