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Western Blot Controls

Mechanosensitive ion channels (MS channels) represent a diverse population of ion channels. Other membrane-associated proteins with different biophysical properties apart from ion channels, specialized cytoskeletal proteins, cell junction molecules and G-protein-coupled receptors and kinases, among many others are also considered mechanosensitive. MS channels integrate a variety of mechanical stimuli such as shear stress, tension, torsion, and compression and translate them into short-term effects (i.e., changes in ion concentrations and voltage) and long-term effects via changes in gene expression.

Alomone Labs is excited to offer a line of Overexpressed Membrane Fractions. These membrane fractions are Xenopus oocyte membrane lysates overexpressing a specific ion channel. Fractions are sold as a set of injected and non-injected oocytes and can be used as controls for Alomone Labs antibodies. 

Overexpressed Membrane Fractions can also be purchased as a kit with their respective antibody. Membrane fractions enable end users to verify/validate the specificity of Alomone Labs antibodies.